Cuba’s Classic Cars

The antique American cars that populate Havana are always a delight to see and a favorite sight for tourists. But while the exteriors may appear genuine what goes on under the hood is a different matter. Due to the embargo on US goods entering Cuba making it difficult to obtain replacement or spare parts except through the black market, many of these vehicles have had their original gas engines replaced with European or Russian diesel engines. And if not replaced, many of the parts have been machined from scratch or in part by ingenious Cuban machinists. These restored classics that thrive in the tourist areas of Cuba, while sometimes externally impressive, would never cut the mustard in America where restoration means a vehicle that looks perfect, even on close inspection, and with its original parts in mint or at least fine condition. Nevertheless, these beauties have value as unique hybrids that hold a special place in Cuban culture as tourist taxis’ while most of the everyday transportation requirements of the island are met by buses and European, Russian, and Asian imports.
I took these photographs in 2000 while exploring Cuba’s art education programs and 2003 while leading a group of photo students.