156 Free Things
Why pay good money when whatever you could ever need or want is available for free? A little elbow grease required now and then, but most items are ready to go with just a dusting.
First posted over ten years ago, this documentation of FREE stuff offered by residents of a seaside community north of Boston, was evidence of their willingness to share their excess possessions.
This may no longer be the case, judging from what appears to be fewer roadside offerings in the same communities. Gone are the boats, computers, TVs, bikes, furniture and children’s toys that used to appear in abundance.
Either residents are tightening their belts and not accumulating as much stuff, or Global Warming has inspired them to hang on to boats in order to survive the rising sea level and increasing ferocity of weather in general.
June 2, 2012I agree. Why, I’ve gotten most of my furniture for free! A little sanding, a little oil and a genuine antique shines through. I’m not sure I’d tackle the boat though . . . .
June 2, 2012Priceless pix!